About us

Aoteraoa New Zealand Architects Declare is a network of architectural practices committed to addressing the climate and biodiversity emergency.

We are part of the International ‘Built Environment Declares’ movement, which has now spread to more than 25 different countries. It has over 6,000 signatories and has been adopted by many other built environment disciplines in those countries.

Built Environment Declares is about encouragement, with every signatory organisation expected to self-govern its own progress toward achieving the commitments it has made. On the basis that no single construction professional or firm is currently meeting every part of the radical commitment to change, a firm ‘no public blame and shame’ policy is in place.

Why Declare?

Built Environment Declares is an industry recognised initiative, and many signatories are using the simplicity and clarity of the declaration as a catalyst to drive effective change within their organisations; many are also using it as a tool to demonstrate their commitment to combating climate change in discussion with clients and collaborators.

Aotearoa New Zealand Architects Declare offers support to its signatories, through shared best practice and coordinated responses to issues. We encourage our devolved network to take part in all of these endeavours. We are stronger together.

It is free to join, however if your don’t want to publicly declare, then we are still happy to share information with you via our regular newsletters. Just email us at [email protected]

Founding Members

The following founding signatories were quick to understand the intent and potential of pooling resources and sharing knowledge:

Andrew Patterson, Architype, Assembly Architects, Ben Hudson Architects, Black Pine Architects, Context Architects, Drawing Room, Gordon Moller, Graeme North EcoDesign, Herbst Architects, Jack Manning, Jasmax, Jeremy Salmond, Jessop Architects, Judi Keith-Brown Architects, Marshall Cook, Pacific Environments, Patrick Clifford, Pete Bossley, Pip Cheshire, Rafe Maclean Architects, Roger Walker, RTA Studio, Stuart Gardyne, Team Green Architects, Tennent Brown Architects, VIA Architecture.

Supported by Tony Watkins and Tony van Raat.


Special thanks go to the people who give up their time on a regular basis to assist with this mahi and a big thank you to those of you that have contributed information and assisted us in our efforts.

We are always on the look out for additional support so please do get in touch if you would like to support us with your time and knowledge. [email protected]

Contact Us

[email protected]

email us if you aren't a registered architectural practice, or if don't want to declare publicly, but would like to share and receive information from the network.